This weekend, Food For Life Cape Town responded to 2 requests for feedings, one from school Principal Rooshda, and the other from community leader Sulyman Stellenboom. Fortunately, both of these were to take place in Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain. So we headed out Saturday afternoon in stormy weather, unperturbed and excited. When we reached Tafelsig, our team split in two, with Preven, Rooshda, Reece and Tammy taking care of the feeding near Tafelsig Primary. The second team, assisted by Rob, Ramaanandini and Zara, met up with Sulyman (whom we first met some weeks ago in Nomzamo near Strand).
Cooking of the 500 delicious meals was done by Nilesh. We quickly served out the food and were done in less than an hour. Both Sulyman and Rooshda are hoping that we can visit Tafelsig again.
So, another weekend wrapped up, this time with 2 simultaneous and successful feedings. We’d really like to increase the number of feedings we do – please help us achieve our growth targets – get in touch with us to find out more about how you can get involved.
Take care until next week.