Tinley Manor primary school

Dear Food For Life Stanger

I must take this opportunity of thanking you and your team for making us part of your organisation and would look forward in working with you in building a strong future.

We delivered to the Tinley Manor primary school which is situated in the Etete area, currently this school has a total of 1600 hundred children and I spoke to the principal Lawrence who was over joyed with our kind gesture . Lawrence has assured us that we will receive their full cooperation with regards to the children behaviour. On our arrival to the school the pupils made two straight lines and this made our task of serving a pleasure. The school provides plastic plates but this is not enough for the entire school, we had to share the plates and most of the children received their meals. We unfortunatley were  unable to offer food to the teachers as we ran out and assured them that we  will try our best to feed the entire school. The principal once again thanked and praised Food For life for their kind contribution in making a difference to our community .

Thank You

 Kind Regards

 Sham Pillay
