Team East london did a big feeding at the SS AYLUM TEMPLE in BREALYN EAST LONDON .The team serve a sumptuous lunch to members of more »

Creating a Hunger-Free South Africa
Team East london did a big feeding at the SS AYLUM TEMPLE in BREALYN EAST LONDON .The team serve a sumptuous lunch to members of more »
The above feeding was done in MDANTSANE NU16 on the 27/05/2017 .The residents and children of this area were treated to a sumptuous samp and more »
Team Eastlondon did a big feeding on the 29/04/2017 ,the team was in action at 2 venues of Eastlondon ,first NOMPUMELLELO SETTLEMENT AND PARKSIDE .A more »
Team Eastlondon has been doing sandwiches and juice/ soup feeding for over 3 years .The kids of Parkridge and Parkside get served every week ,sometimes more »
Feeding was done on saturday 28/01/2017 at NOMPUMELELO settlement in Beacon bay .Team Eastlondon set out in full force to feed the kids of this more »