MIDRAND – Food for Life Midrand continues to make its mark in Midrand with the local food relief network recently reporting about 2 300 free meals being served for the year.
Daniella Potter | 15 May 2014 15:30
And the programme’s volunteers are looking forward to the next one on 25 May.
A branch of Food for Life South Africa, Food for Life Midrand continues to carry out its mission in the Ivory Park and President Park communities, where
it serves the children of the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped, the Thuthakani Centre and the New Jerusalem Children’s Home.
This local food relief network, which started its mission in 2012, has doubled the number of meals it has served since inception and provided some 6 100 free meals last year.
Vinesh Maharaj, spokesperson for Food for Life Midrand, revealed that with the support of the Midrand community, there are new and exciting plans to expand the programme in the future.
Maharaj said, “These growth plans are expected to come into fruition shortly, and will enable the expansion of our feeding from the current 1 000 plates a month to 10 000 plates a month in the next 12 months. Eventually, as our plans roll out, we envision 25 000 plates per day in two to five years.”
He said support for this initiative continues to grow in Midrand and from other suburbs in Gauteng.
“With the continued support of volunteers and sponsors, and with the growing interest experienced over the past few months from residents of Gauteng, we believe we will successfully continue to grow this mission,” said Maharaj.
“Our aim is to provide more meals that will take us closer to our objective of a hunger-free zone in Midrand.”
He explained that it is not just a food relief network, but an initiative that spends time with children during the programme. At the last food hand-out on 27 April, Nozibele Tshobeni, a first-time volunteer, described the experience as “awesome”.
“This is something we all need to do. And it makes me feel so good to do so, which is an added bonus,” said Tshobeni.
“I will never forget the singing, chanting and dancing by the children from Ivory Park, especially with their food containers in hand, waiting patiently in anticipation of a delicious serving of biryani.”
Food for Life Midrand wishes to acknowledge Esme and Navesh Singh, who generously supplied most of the ingredients for this feeding.
Source: http://midrandreporter.co.za/108333/food-for-life-on-the-up/