This weekend, Food for Life Cape Town visited Nyanga and Phillipi. We were without our regular cook Nilesh, but Khabeer came to the rescue and together with funky Divyan, they cooked up a feast for 500 fortunate people. It was a chilly, cloudy day when the team set out to serve on Saturday afternoon, but fortunately there was no rain.
As always, the locals thoroughly enjoyed our visit and the kids danced away to the drumbeats provided by Perez. We had a lovely group of volunteers join us, including Mother Funeka, Mama Rose, Rob, Rajesh, Preven, Tammy, Travis, Perez and Rooshda. We also had the help of Nilesh, Driti, Sveta and Heena, who all gave up their Friday night to come cut and clean the vegetables. And finally, WELL DONE to Khabeer for co-ordinating and organising everything – GREAT JOB!!
So, another happy feeding by a happy family. Please keep an eye out for Food for Life Cape Town on TV – we’ll soon be seen on Cape Town TV (CTV), being interviewed by AngelWing’s Gladys Joyce.
Take care all you lovely people.