Durban Central – Feeding Program #1

The Durban Central team were well prepared and motivated to initiate their first official feeding program. With the deliciously warm meals packed and ready for distribution, the enthusiastic team embarked on the days program. This included an array of informal settlements in the Durban area, viz Palmiet Road, Sirpat Road, Shannon Drive and Kennedy Road.
The distribution, at all of these impoverished communities reflected the dire need for a warm plate of food. The lack of employment and extremely poor standard of living conditions further creates the need for well-balanced meals to be provided here.
Eager and happy children were there to greet us at every stop and queued up to collect their wonderful servings, with of course some retuning for seconds… and thirds.
The commonality at all of the above areas indicates the significant need for nourishment to children and adults who may not necessarily have a warm meal for days. This directly impacts their health and ability to function at a maximum capacity on a daily basis.
The days program culminated at the Saint Theresa’s Children’s Home, where once again happy, smiling children welcomed the team. All the residents were very familiar with the meal of choice and were eager to start on their evening meal.
The Food for Life team made a huge difference and lasting impression on the people of our community during this very first initiative, which is surely only the beginning of many more plates!