On Sunday, 19 September Food for Life KwaMashu sprinkled bouts of love and warmth by providing wholesome meals to some of the less fortunate residents in the Phoenix area.
600 plates were distributed across Clayfield, Foresthaven, Palmview and Sastri Park. A special thank you goes out to the management of Kalai Magal temple for affording our team the use of this venue for the preparation of these meals
If you would like to donate meals, it costs us roughly R5 per plate. Please feel free to contact the Foodforlife KwaMashu team by contacting Arkeev Gareeb on 0826786356 or arkeev.gareeb@fflsa.org and Ash Mohan on 0836762246 or kwamashu@fflsa.org should you wish to participate in this project.