26 September 2021

On Sunday, 26 September Foodforlife KwaMashu embarked on a drive aimed at making a significant difference in a community based north of Durban. The poorer residents of the Phoenix area were served 800 plates of delicious, wholesome meals. The meals were welcomed with friendly smiles from the children in the area.

Food for Life KwaMashu is completely non-profit as you know. This project relies primarily on donations and the generous support of sponsors. You too can partner with us in alleviating poverty and helping to create a hunger free South African nation. Please feel free to contact the Foodforlife KwaMashu team by contacting Arkeev Gareeb on 0826786356 or arkeev.gareeb@fflsa.org and Ash Mohan on 0836762246 or kwamashu@fflsa.org should you wish to participate in this project.